Our Story

Jack with a Drake X Suzy puppy

Jack with a Drake X Suzy puppy

Our Labs serve a large purpose.

We acquired our first AKC registered Labrador Retriever back in 1991 when directing a not-for-profit youth and family camp in the coulees of Southwest Wisconsin. Among our camp’s supporters was a couple from Michigan who bred Labs and they gifted us a nice puppy that became the perfect camp dog who was loved on by us and hundreds of campers. Coulee Fannie Mae was quiet, obedient, and accepting of anyone who needed a friend or playmate. She put on hundreds of miles tagging along on trail rides with our horses and spent thousands of hours hanging out with guests near the lodge and cabins. Though Fannie Mae came from primarily bench lines, we produced a few litters by crossing her on Field Champions or Master Hunters with the intention of making puppies who retained her good looks and laid-back disposition, but who also would have the marking and retrieving drive that fulfilled the reasons why the breed was developed in the first place. Puppies went to homes mostly as family companions and hunting partners. We received lots of positive feedback on their abilities as quick-learning, sane, loving companions who could turn it “on” in the field and turn it “off” when in the home. We were forever hooked on the breed’s ideal “family dog” temperament and adaptability to a wide range of training disciplines.

We retired Fannie Mae from breeding while still in the prime of her life and enjoyed her as our lone family dog until an injury in her later years forced us to say goodbye. These wonderful members of our families leave us too soon, but they are forever fixed in our minds as the best companions we could wish for. Our affection for Fannie Mae’s memory combined with a job change and move kept us from getting another dog for a period of time. Though we wanted a pet for our children to enjoy and benefit from right away, it seemed circumstances dictated the wisdom of waiting until we could devote ourselves to the proper care and training of a new Lab puppy. In 2005 we did find a lovely chocolate female we called Encore (a nod to Fannie Mae as the best dog ever!) soon after we bought a 40-acre hobby farm in Michigan. She was a wonderful companion in her own right and became a great therapy dog for our youngest son, Jack, who has Down syndrome. Alas, she was struck with a medical issue that necessitated her being put down when only nine years old - way, way too young and at a time way, way too important to Jack.

Recognizing the value she brought to Jack’s development, we immediately began the search for a new companion for him - this time with the additional goal of occasionally breeding litters from which select puppies could be placed in homes of other individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) for therapy, confidence-building, life skills training, and service. From a solid foundation of Shamrock Acres and Candlewood lines, we are on the front end of building our kennel, with two adult Labrador Retrievers, adding connections to reference sires through other top breeders, and developing young females for future consideration. We study pedigrees, visit with breeders and veterinarians, and make breeding decisions based on our goal to produce puppies that will grow into fine examples of the Labrador Retriever breed - with the good looks, wonderful personalities, and eager retrieving skills for which Labs were originally designed. Puppies available may follow bench (a.k.a. English) type, field (a.k.a. American) type, or a combination of the two depending on the foundation we are building on or seeking to improve. Regardless of type, individual breeding adults will always be from genetically superior family lines that offer the best of the breed in regard to health, ability to excel in their specialty, and loving temperaments. Ultimately, our goal is to produce pups with the potential to be Champion Master Hunters who will always be loyal and kind members of their families.

In support of individuals with I/DD, we founded Jack and Company to advocate and provide learning opportunities that help people of all abilities reach their goals and attain their highest level of autonomy possible. Opening our new kennel and restarting a quality breeding program flowed from the positive relationships and developmental gains Jack and Company folks were experiencing by working with animals on our current rural Northwest Iowa acreage - and with our Labrador Retrievers in particular. Puppy sales from Sioux River Retrievers sponsor placements of therapy/service dogs and help underwrite other Jack and Company programs.

Thank you for your interest in Sioux River Retrievers! We are here to serve - so feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions you may have about Labrador Retrievers, puppy raising, Down syndrome or other I/DD supports, Jack and Company, or any topic for which we may offer expertise or encouragement.